Monday, June 22, 2015

June 22, 2015: malo e lelei

It's been a crazy week. We started last Monday out by getting ourselves lost in Mong Kok and Kowloon City trying to find California Pizza Kitchen. but we found it at last and I ATE AMERICAN FOOD. Wow, I miss true American food. It was SO GOOD. expensive. but so good and 100% worth every second. On the way home I tripped on the bus and fell onto a seat, but not without hitting my face on the chair in front of my first. My chin started to bleed and I have a pretty awesome goose egg on the bottom of my chin now. Still there. one week later. OH well. The rest of me is fine, so it's all good.

Tuesday we found out Sister Jackson would be leaving and I am pretty sure I've cried every night since. We got along so well and I was so so so sad to see her leave. We were just starting to really see some incredible miracles. Last week we found out the elders would be closing West Point, so it's just a sister companionship here. I was seriously so freaked out. I've only been serving here like... 6 weeks. Which seems normal to the rest of the world. but my area is about a bajillion times bigger than my first two areas with more people and way more complicated roads, since I'm on Hong Kong Island and it's insanely busy. So I just have pretty much had a crazy mental breakdown like every day. But it's okay. I'm fine. Just stressed. Keep us in your prayers! (: I was so nervous because I still don't feel like I know the area or these investigators. But when I talked with Sister Cochran about it, she just reminded me of something I knew but have forgotten in the craziness of this week- that the Lord put me here for a reason. He must trust me, since I've only been here a few short weeks and am with a new companion. He must trust me. It's something I need to keep constantly telling myself because sometimes I have a hard time even trusting myself. But the Lord has a plan for this area, and I'm a part of it, so I'm going to keep working hard and loving these people.

The elders turned over Mr. Chan to us this week. He is really pretty much unfazed by the fact that we're teaching him rather than the elders. He thinks we're great. I think he's great too, actually. The elders have done an amazing job to this point teaching him. He very clearly knows what he needs to do and understands that the gospel can bless his life. He has some personal money problems that we're hoping the members can help him resolve because I think when he does, he'll start progressing more rapidly. So far he's doing really well. He still reads scriptures and knows they're the word of God. He prays and comes to church regularly and though we've only taught him once by ourselves (without elders) so far, I think he's doing well. We are going to give him a new baptismal date this week. I know he can make it.

Grace is doing well. We were worried she would take the news of Sister Jackson leaving pretty hard, but she did just fine. She misses her but will meet Sister Tu'avao tonight and I know she will be in good hands. She'll love Sister Tu'avao.

We met with Mak Mei Fong this week, a recently reactivated member. She's been reactivated before and went less active pretty quick, so we're going to try to work closely with the ward to ensure that she stays active this time. She's doing alright, nothing too special or significant to point out.

We have a new investigator this week, Sophie. The Causeway Bay elders found her when she walked into the Wan Chai chapel. Sophie met with missionaries a few years ago but they went home and she moved to America- but she stayed in contact with one of them. When she as having a really hard day, that elder (or returned missionary, I guess) invited her to come find us. SO she did. She has made a lot of mistakes in her past that she regrets and feels really guilty about, and wants a new start. We promised her that she can have that new start through the gospel of Jesus Christ. She's agreed to be baptized, and we'll give her a date when we see her tomorrow. She doesn't know what to think of the idea of a new start- but she's pretty excited to learn how that happens. We're so grateful for this wonderful miracle we've seen!

Pon Ka Man (LA) came to CHURCH! Biggest miracle ever. She hasn't been to church in ages. But I guess Sister Tu'avao's persistence is good, because she showed up early to church on Sunday and came to sacrament. What a miracle.

We have another new investigator, Elizabeth. She has a lot of trials from her life that she isn't sure how to overcome, so we talked about Christ and promised her that as she continues to meet with us and keep her commitments, she'll do well. The only problem is despite the fact that we've told her several times, she hasn't come to our ward yet. She's been to Causeway Bay twice and Chai Wan once. We're going to have to help her understand that West Point is where she's supposed to be, and that's where the Lord wants her too.

Met with Kacey (RCLA) and she's...okay. She knows she's not being  very good example for her family, and it's something she wants to change. She just doesn't have the motivation to do so. We are going to keep working with her to help her feel that motivation to change. We also met with a less active that I thought was a myth (not really, I've just only ever heard of her but never seen her) named Sister Cheng. She told us she's ready to start coming back to church this coming week so I think it'll be good. She seems to have pretty good potential, so we'll just have to wait and see.

I love you all and am so grateful for your prayers and support. You're truly the best. (:

-Kuk Jimuih
Sister Crook

PS my companion is Tongan. Don't be jealous or anything... malo e lelei means hello in Tongan.

PPS: pictures are of me and Sister Tu'avao (new comp) and Sister Jackson and I with the elders and Mr. Chan, the investigator they turned over to us.

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